Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Fruit and Vegetable 62-day Challenge

Update to my goal: While I think the challenge will be manageable to eat 31 different fruits in July and blog about it, I'd like to add vegetables into the mix and make it last through July and August. Part of this is because it will be so much more interesting if I can mix things up in Thailand while I'm on my mission trip. Not sure how my travel days will impact the challenge when I cross the international date line, but I'll keep in the spirit of the challenge as I adjust to my new time zone. The other benefit of adding in vegetables is I don't have to play on the grey areas of what is and isn't a fruit. For instance, botanically there are things like tomatoes and cucumbers that fall into the fruit category that just don't feel like fruits to me. In a crunch the botanical card would have been available if I run out of locally available fruits to eat but now I won't need to. 

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